Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Latest Painting: Bromeliad - Potted

Finished another painting: Bromeliad - Potted.

This plant I love and I haven't managed to kill it yet. (Archie takes care of our plants is the only reason.) Just as I painted the cut flowers Archie brought me one day for no special occasion in order to "keep them," I've done the same with this bromeliad. Only way I can keep a garden! lol

I said I'd be painting waterscapes for a while, but needed to let the gesso dry before beginning the next one. This bromeliad painting had been started, but I just couldn't seem to get it to speak to me. Well, it has finally spoken. I really like it now and hope you do too. Let me know.


  1. I love the colors! It looks great :)

  2. Good one, and still "alive" at this writing.


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