One of the main reasons we bought our present house is that there was a closet under the stairs. Why? To make a playhouse for our grandkids a la Harry Potter.
The closet is tall enough in the front for adults to stand. It gets shorter in the middle and the roof slopes to the ground in the rear. We noticed that in other houses of our model the closet had been walled off and only the adult-height area was left. Soon the workmen tried to do the same to ours. Why? I can only guess that they wanted to save the carpet and labor necessary to leave the far-more-interesting configuration.
We insisted that the closet be finished out as in the model home!
Beth our youngest helped me paint a big blue house on the wall. (Our house is blue and the kids' favorite TV show was "Bear in the Big Blue House.) My husband Archie cut holes for windows with doors that open and close. (The lower door has been left off because the little ones are not ready to be closed up with no view of parents.) I painted a downstairs front door and another door and balcony above to mimic our house.
Archie added a doorbell that rings loudly. So loudly in fact that we resorted to removing the batteries when our grandson rang the bell often enough to make our granddaughter cry.
The house number is, of course, 5208 1/2 as ours is 5208.
We quickly painted trees and bushes and added a lamppost with a light that actually lights--quickly because our first two grandkids were soon to arrive for Christmas. I am now adding values to the trees, bushes and the lamppost to make them more dimensional.
Our Atlanta grandsons were here for my birthday and played in the playhouse. (You may have watched the puppet show they enjoyed in an earlier posting.) They are returning for the Fourth of July. So I am spiffying up the playhouse.
Art is for everyday living--to enhance our experiences on this planet.
Grace, What a fun and fantastic thing to do for your grandkids. It sounds like you're having as much as they do.